Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This photo displays good composition based on the 7 principles of art. It has created a symmetrical balance where if the photo was folded in half,  the image would be the same on both sides. It also displays repition within the wine glasses and wine bottles that are lined up. The photo also incorporates movement for the viewer's eye to be directed around the page. There is variety displayed by the different lines and shapes as well as a dominant point of view of the wine bottles that the viewers eye leads to first.

This photo is also an example of good composition. This image portrays a symmetrical balance where the image would be the same on both sides if folded in half. There is a good variety in the photo with the different colors of blue, orange and white as well as the ripples from the ocean, the lines from the land, the shape of the sun, and the different shapes of the clouds. The picture also creates a vivid repition of the ripples in the water. The image also creates dominance from the sun being the focal point that grabs the viewers eye first. After looking at the sun, the eye is then directed around the page.

This photo is an example of bad composition. The viewers eye is stuck in the middle of the image because there is no focal point, the crabs together take up the entire image. There is nothing in the image that keeps the viewers attention because it is lacking dominance and there is no where for the viewers eyes to move to throughout the picture. This photo  also lacks the 7 elements of design.

This photo is another example of bad composition. The palm tree takes up the entire image causing the viewers eye to be stuck on the palm tree, and not moving throughout the image. The focal point is the palm tree but there is nothing else in the image to keep the viewers attention. This photo does not display the 7 elements of design.

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